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Licensed Technologies and Luminex Product Documentation

Certificates of Conformance - English
ARIES® MultiCode® Ready Mix, Lot 6122559
Certificates of Conformance - English
ARIES® MultiCode® Ready Mix, Lot 6149574
Product Information - English
ARIES® Sales Sheet EU
Brochures / Sales Sheets - Americas
ARIES® Systems Maintenance & Field Support Services
Brochures / Sales Sheets - Japanese
ARIES® システム/ARIES® M1 システム – 製品カタログ
Brochures / Sales Sheets - English
ARIES®—Welcome to the New Way to Work (IVD)
Brochures / Sales Sheets - English
ARIES®—Welcome to the New Way to Work (RUO)
Brochures / Sales Sheets - English
ARIES®—Welcome to the New Way to Work (RUO)
Brochures / Sales Sheets - Americas
ARIES®: Welcome to the New Way to Work (Canada)
Manuals - English
Manual, ARIES M1 System Operation (IVD), English
Manuals - French
Manual, ARIES M1 System Operation (IVD), French-France
Manuals - German
Manual, ARIES M1 System Operation (IVD), German
Manuals - Italian
Manual, ARIES M1 System Operation (IVD), Italian
Manuals - Korean
Manual, ARIES M1 System Operation (IVD), Korean
Manuals - Portuguese
Manual, ARIES M1 System Operation (IVD), Portuguese-Brazil
Manuals - Portuguese
Manual, ARIES M1 System Operation (IVD), Portuguese-Portugal