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Selezionando la visualizzazione internazionale, l'utente dichiara di risiedere al di fuori degli Stati Uniti e di voler visualizzare le informazioni sui prodotti internazionali di DiaSorin Molecular. Questo materiale è destinato esclusivamente ai visitatori internazionali (non statunitensi) del sito.

Ai sensi delle Linee Guida del Ministero della Salute del 28/03/2013 in materia di pubblicità sanitaria relativa a dispositivi medici, dispositivi medico-diagnostici in vitro e presidi medico-chirurgici, si informa che le informazioni contenute in questo sito e alle quali si accede sono destinate esclusivamente agli operatori professionali.

VERIGENE® NanoGrid Technology

NanoGrid Technology is the powerful driving force behind all VERIGENE tests

The VERIGENE® System utilizes automation and proprietary chemistry to enable rapid, sample-to-result detection of nucleic acid and protein targets. NanoGrid Technology, a unique gold nanoparticle probe chemistry, is the driving force behind all VERIGENE tests, providing a versatile and extremely reliable foundation for the VERIGENE® System.

NanoGrid Technology

How does NanoGrid Technology work?

The gold nanoparticles are 13-20 nanometers in diameter. Each nanoparticle is functionalized with either a defined number of oligonucleotides or antibodies that are specific to a particular protein of interest.

VERIGENE® NanoGrid Technology benefits

The VERIGENE® System using NanoGrid technology entails

  • Nucleic acid extraction and PCR amplification
  • Hybridization of target DNA on a microarray
  • Hybridization of specific mediator oligonucleotides and gold nanoparticle probes
  • Signal amplification of hybridized probes via a silver staining process
  • Automated qualitative analysis of results

Gold nanoparticle probes are ideal for diagnostic applications

  • Allow increased sensitivity by several orders of magnitude compared to fluorophores. 
  • Enable high-specificity for both nucleic acid and protein detection
  • Reduce background noise, creating an enhanced assay signal
  • Are extremely stable, have a long shelf-life, and are non-toxic


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