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Selezionando la visualizzazione internazionale, l'utente dichiara di risiedere al di fuori degli Stati Uniti e di voler visualizzare le informazioni sui prodotti internazionali di DiaSorin Molecular. Questo materiale è destinato esclusivamente ai visitatori internazionali (non statunitensi) del sito.

Ai sensi delle Linee Guida del Ministero della Salute del 28/03/2013 in materia di pubblicità sanitaria relativa a dispositivi medici, dispositivi medico-diagnostici in vitro e presidi medico-chirurgici, si informa che le informazioni contenute in questo sito e alle quali si accede sono destinate esclusivamente agli operatori professionali.

Luminex Learning Sessions

Luminex is proud to be known as a pioneer in the field of biological testing. Our xMAP® Technology has revolutionized the medical, technological, and scientific industries, enabling companies and laboratories to perform bioassays quickly, accurately, and economically. We offer a comprehensive suite of educational courses targeted to optimize every customer’s experience with their xMAP System. Luminex Learning is a comprehensive instrument, software, and assay development educational program, that is highly focused on ensuring you have the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to successfully use Luminex products in your lab.

So whether you are new to Luminex products or an experienced user, we hope to see you in the Netherlands for our Luminex Learning Sessions!

Luminex Learning Sessions

Questions on your Training Needs?

Contact us by
Download the informational flyer here.

In these classes you’ll learn how to:

  • Develop a better working knowledge of Luminex products and assay development
  • Operate and troubleshoot Luminex instruments
  • Begin building your own nucleic acid and/or protein assays

These sessions will allow you to:

  • Meet members of Luminex’s in-house team
  • Network with other attendees

Agenda xMAP® Luminex Learning Sessions

Instrument & software training courses

These one-day course covers routine instrument use, as well as maintenance and troubleshooting exercises, including understanding calibration and verification reports. Software instruction will include building protocols and batches, running batches, and performing data analysis. These training courses will be planned and organized if at least four participants sign up for a specific training. Options include:

  • MAGPIX® with xPONENT® (CN-0248-01)
  • Luminex® 200™ (CN-0211-01)
  • FLEXMAP 3D® (CN-0311-01)
  • xMAP INTELLIFLEX® (CN-0504-01)

Assay Development Classroom Trainings

Fundamentals of xMAP® Proteomic Assays (CN-0488-01)

This two-day course covers skills for developing application-specific immunoassays on the xMAP® platform. The practical session consists of coupling capture antibodies or antigen to paramagnetic MagPlex® Microspheres (using the two-step carbodiimide coupling method), determining bead recovery, running a coupling confirmation assay, and performing a cross-reactivity test. The capture sandwich immunoassay for antibody coupling and running an indirect immunoassay for antigen coupling will also be discussed. An in-house assay will be used for this course.

The theoretical session will cover methods for coupling antibodies or different molecules (e.g., antigens, peptides, small molecules, etc.) to Luminex microspheres, as well as developing different assay formats (e.g., indirect detection, or the serology assay, and the competitive inhibition immunoassay). It will also provide guidance on identifying components of antibody structure, the capture sandwich immunoassay format, technical tips, assay development best practices, and advice on buffers and consumables. The course includes troubleshooting coupling and assay development.

Fundamentals of xMAP® Nucleic Acid Assays (CN-0489-01)

This two-day course covers skills for developing application-specific nucleic acid assays on the xMAP® platform. The practical session consists of coupling amino-modified oligonucleotides to paramagnetic MagPlex® Microspheres, determining bead recovery, running a coupling confirmation assay, and running a multiplex direct DNA hybridization assay. An in-house assay will be used for the practical part of the course.

The theoretical session will provide detailed information on developing MagPlex-TAG™-based assays. Different assays formats will be covered (e.g., allele- and target-specific primer extension (ASPE/TSPE), the oligo-ligation Assay (OLA), and ligation-dependent amplification (LDA)). You will learn how to determine which application is best suited for your specific needs, as well as how to troubleshoot assays. You will also receive tips on probe and primer design and advice on buffers and consumables.

Ordering Information

Session List Price
Training MAGPIX® / xPONENT® (CN-0248-01) Upon Request
Training Luminex® 200™ (CN-0211-01) Upon Request
Training FLEXMAP 3D® (CN-0311-01) Upon Request
Training xMAP INTELLIFLEX® (CN-0504-01) Upon Request

Upcoming Training

February, 2025
Register here


Luminex Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)

Reitscheweg 1
5232 BX ‘s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands

Interested in attending our Luminex Learning Sessions?

Request a session