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Selezionando la visualizzazione internazionale, l'utente dichiara di risiedere al di fuori degli Stati Uniti e di voler visualizzare le informazioni sui prodotti internazionali di DiaSorin Molecular. Questo materiale è destinato esclusivamente ai visitatori internazionali (non statunitensi) del sito.

Ai sensi delle Linee Guida del Ministero della Salute del 28/03/2013 in materia di pubblicità sanitaria relativa a dispositivi medici, dispositivi medico-diagnostici in vitro e presidi medico-chirurgici, si informa che le informazioni contenute in questo sito e alle quali si accede sono destinate esclusivamente agli operatori professionali.

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Flexible testing and research solutions to meet the needs of your lab.

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MAGPIX® System

NxTAG® Respiratory Pathogens Panel

Detect 20 viral pathogens and 2-3 bacterial pathogens in a single well, enabling thorough respiratory health analysis.

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MAGPIX® System

NxTAG® Respiratory Pathogens Panel + SARS-CoV-2

Pre-plated, lyophilized reagents facilitate a simple workflow with just one pipetting step, ensuring an easy fit in any lab’s daily routine.

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MAGPIX® System

NxTAG® Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel

Help patients recover from gastrointestinal infections more quickly

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VERIGENE® Gram-Positive Blood Culture Test

Help patients recover from bacteremia more quickly.

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VERIGENE® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Test

A flexible, multiplexed respiratory panel  for syndromic testing.

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VERIGENE® Gram-Negative Blood Culture Test

Help patients recover from bacteremia more quickly.

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VERIGENE® Clostridium difficile Test

Help patients identify and recover from C. difficile infections more quickly.

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VERIGENE® Enteric Pathogens Test

Help patients recover from gastrointestinal infections more quickly.

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MAGPIX® System

xTAG® Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel (GPP)

xTAG® GPP is a highly scalable gastrointestinal test with customizable detection of bacterial, viral, and parasitic pathogens to rule out the causes of infectious diarrhea.

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MAGPIX® System

xTAG® CYP2C19 Kit v3

Help clinicians identify mutations indicative of adverse effects with certain drugs.

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xTAG® Cystic Fibrosis (CFTR)

Help clinicians detect and identify the most common CFTR mutations.

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