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Selezionando la visualizzazione internazionale, l'utente dichiara di risiedere al di fuori degli Stati Uniti e di voler visualizzare le informazioni sui prodotti internazionali di DiaSorin Molecular. Questo materiale è destinato esclusivamente ai visitatori internazionali (non statunitensi) del sito.

Ai sensi delle Linee Guida del Ministero della Salute del 28/03/2013 in materia di pubblicità sanitaria relativa a dispositivi medici, dispositivi medico-diagnostici in vitro e presidi medico-chirurgici, si informa che le informazioni contenute in questo sito e alle quali si accede sono destinate esclusivamente agli operatori professionali.

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The broadest range of specialized diagnostic solutions



A powerful solution for Emergency Department (ED) decision-making

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LIAISON® Calprotectin

When patients present with symptoms of bowel disease, a correct diagnosis becomes a challenge

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Empowering worldwide tuberculosis detection

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QuantiFERON TB-Gold Plus

LIAISON® Legionella Urinary Ag

Pneumonia - Discover the origin now

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Legionella Urinary

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The broadest range of
specialized diagnostic solutions
in the immunodiagnostics market

Diasorin is committed to improving healthcare by providing an unparalleled portfolio of exclusive, high-quality immunoassays and fully automated chemiluminescence analyzers that deliver standardized and unbiased results. As easy-to-use as they are reliable, we allow laboratory and healthcare professionals to streamline their diagnostic pathways while ensuring complete harmonization between urgent, specialty and routine tests.


Perfect integration with
any lab setup

Pairing powerful yet simple diagnostics technology with high sensitivity and precision, LIAISON® chemiluminescence analyzers deliver automated continuous operation to ensure reduced turnaround time, optimal cost management and unmatched growth potential.

View all DiaSorin systems
Strumento di Immunodiagnostica per grandi laboratori LIAISON® XL - Diasorin


Designed for large laboratories. Fuse the benefits of high throughput and high sensitivity within a powerful and fully automated system that can seamlessly connect to facilitate Total Laboratory Automation. 

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Analizzatore per Immunodiagnostica LIAISON® XS - Diasorin


A fully automated, easy-to-use benchtop analyzer. Maximize productivity with optimal cost management, no daily maintenance, straightforward integration, and the same capabilities as Diasorin’s high-throughput analyzers. 

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LOINC® codes

Find out more about LOINC® codes for international products.

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