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Selezionando la visualizzazione internazionale, l'utente dichiara di risiedere al di fuori degli Stati Uniti e di voler visualizzare le informazioni sui prodotti internazionali di DiaSorin Molecular. Questo materiale è destinato esclusivamente ai visitatori internazionali (non statunitensi) del sito.

Ai sensi delle Linee Guida del Ministero della Salute del 28/03/2013 in materia di pubblicità sanitaria relativa a dispositivi medici, dispositivi medico-diagnostici in vitro e presidi medico-chirurgici, si informa che le informazioni contenute in questo sito e alle quali si accede sono destinate esclusivamente agli operatori professionali.

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LIAISON® Hypertension Diagnostic Solution

A comprehensive solution for primary hyperaldosteronism screening.

The hypertension panel is the first automated solution for accurate diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism, a secondary form of hypertension. The solution includes additional endocrine markers related to the adrenal function.


LIAISON® Aldosterone

Automated CLIA assay for the quantitative determination of aldosterone, whose measurements are used as an aid in the diagnosis of hypertension due to primary and secondary hyperaldosteronism.


LIAISON® Direct Renin

Automated CLIA assay for the quantitative determination of direct renin, whose measurements are used as an aid in the diagnosis of hypertension as due to primary and secondary hyperaldosteronism.



Automated CLIA assay for the quantitative determination of ACTH.


LIAISON® Cortisol

Automated CLIA assay for the quantitative determination of Cortisol.

Indications for use


Quantitative assays for the screening of primary aldosteronism and diagnosis of other adrenal functions

Target patient

Adult hypertensive patients, patients with endocrine disorders

Use area

Hypertensive centers, cardiology, endocrinology and nephrology centers.

Soluzione per la diagnosi dell'Ipertensione e dell'Iperaldosteronismo - Diasorin


A major cause of premature death worldwide,
over 1.3 billion people suffer from hypertension

Primary hyperaldosteronism prevalence is seen in at least 10% of hypertensive patients and up to 25% in patients with resistant hypertension. Despite the Endocrine Society guidelines and recommendations, it is often underdiagnosed. 
Reliable and easy to use, LIAISON® Aldosterone and LIAISON® Direct Renin tests help determine the Aldosterone to Renin Ratio calculation, supporting physicians by providing a fundamental step in the assessment of hypertensive patients and guiding clinicians in the management of such patients.
The fully automated and guidelines-approved approach also ensures better laboratory operational efficiency.

How it works

The LIAISON® Aldosterone assay demonstrates 100% specificity for aldosterone with no cross-reactivity with other major steroid hormones.

A quantitative assay for the determination of aldosterone 


Automated aldosterone measurement

Ideal solution for automated aldosterone measurement in plasma, serum and urine samples. 


Complete clinical picture of the hypertensive patient

It can be consolidated with automated LIAISON® Direct Renin to gain a complete clinical picture of the hypertensive patient in a single EDTA plasma sample tube.



Flexibility, consolidation and automation.

A quantitative assay for the determination of direct renin



Use of monoclonal antibodies to measure renin concentration independent of substrates, and long temperature/pH dependent incubation periods.


Automated Direct Renin measurement

The fully automated LIAISON® Direct Renin assay is a faster, simpler, more reproducible alternative to Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) assays.

Test LIAISON® per il rilevamento dell'Aldosterone e Renina per diagnosi dell'ipertensione - Diasorin

Why use Diasorin Aldosterone
and Direct Renin tests

Diasorin makes screening for primary aldosteronism simple and fast by consolidating aldosterone and direct renin measurements into a single EDTA plasma sample tube.

ARR determination

The LIAISON® Aldosterone and LIAISON® Direct Renin tests are a reliable, accurate and simple to use method for determining Aldosterone- to- Renin Ratio (ARR), which is considered as the screening tool for PA diagnosis in patient with hypertension.

Adrenal function

ACTH and cortisol are two important markers related to adrenal function. ACTH and cortisol levels in the blood are tested to help diagnose Cushing's syndrome, Addison's disease, and tumors of the pituitary and adrenal glands.  

With high disease prevalence, reliable and convenient diagnostic tools are imperative

Our solution includes the right tools to help labs convert from PRA to DRC for improved workflow, accurate diagnosis and better patient care.

Simplify hypertension testing

LIAISON® Aldosterone and LIAISON® Direct Renin are specialty tests making our solution an ideal fit for laboratories looking to automate hypertension testing.

To be used on

Designed for both specialty and routine tests, LIAISON® XL and LIAISON® XS immunoassay analyzers help your laboratory handle multiple patients and tests simultaneously. LIAISON® systems are trustworthy, intuitive and deliver automated continuous operation with minimal user intervention. The result is reduced turnaround time, optimal cost management and unmatched growth potential.

Strumento di Immunodiagnostica per grandi laboratori LIAISON® XL - Diasorin


Designed for large laboratories. Fuse the benefits of high throughput and high sensitivity within a powerful and fully automated system that can seamlessly connect to facilitate Total Laboratory Automation. 

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Analizzatore per Immunodiagnostica LIAISON® XS - Diasorin


A fully automated, easy-to-use benchtop analyzer. Maximize productivity with optimal cost management, no daily maintenance, straightforward integration, and the same capabilities as Diasorin’s high-throughput analyzers. 

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