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Pursuant to the Guidelines of the Ministry of Health dated 28/03/2013 related to health advertising concerning medical devices, in vitro diagnostic medical devices and medical-surgical devices, we hereby inform you that the information contained in this website and to which you are going to access is exclusively intended for professionaloperators.


現在、日本語に対応しているのは、Luminex LTGのセクションとLuminex LTGのサービス&サポートページのみです。

Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Japanese.

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Tumor markers

Tumor markers

Support your clinicians in the diagnosis and monitoring of tumors.
Automated CLIA solution to determinate the most relevant tumor markers used in oncology.

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Automated CLIA assay for the quantitative determination of the CA 15-3® antigen in human serum as well as EDTA and heparinized plasma. The test can be used as an aid during the follow-up of patients with breast carcinoma.
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