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現在、日本語に対応しているのは、Luminex LTGのセクションとLuminex LTGのサービス&サポートページのみです。

Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Japanese.

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Metabolic disorders

Metabolic disorders

Simplifying access to advanced diagnostic testing for the diagnosis and monitoring of metabolic disorders.
From bone and mineral to kidney disease, Diasorin’s extensive range of automated CLIA assays deliver reliable, high-quality results for more accurate treatment decisions and better clinical follow-up of metabolic disorders.

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LIAISON® Anemia Diagnostic Solution

The Diasorin Anemia panel includes Vitamin B12 and Folate which are used in conjunction to diagnose megaloblastic, microcytic or pernicious anemias, while ferritin is one of the main tests for iron deficiency and it is the first assessment needed to elucidate the causes of anemia.
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