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目前仅LUMINEX LTG部分的内容采用中文表达,所有其它内容依旧提供英文版本

Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Chinese.

Newsroom press releases

08/11/13 - 1:00

The Board of Directors approves the Q3'13 Results (766.57 KB)
Financial Data

01/08/13 - 2:00

The Board of Directors approves the results for the H1 '13 (386.67 KB)
Financial Data

10/05/13 - 2:00

The Board of Directors approves the results for Q1'13 (763.61 KB)
Financial Data

02/05/13 - 2:00

Compensation Commitee-Errata corrige (179.38 KB)
Financial Data

22/04/13 - 2:00

Shareholders' meeting approves FY Results 2012 (57.22 KB)
Financial Data

08/03/13 - 1:00

The BoD approves FY 2012 results (477.24 KB)
Financial Data

07/03/13 - 1:00

Notification of changes in share capital (46.86 KB)
Financial Data

07/03/13 - 1:00

Notice availability By-Laws (36.87 KB)
Financial Data

07/02/13 - 1:00

Notification of changes in share capital (46.89 KB)
Financial Data

07/02/13 - 1:00

Notice availability By-Laws (139.13 KB)
Financial Data

30/01/13 - 1:00

The Board of Directors approves the results for the FY '12 (477.24 KB)
Financial Data