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目前仅LUMINEX LTG部分的内容采用中文表达,所有其它内容依旧提供英文版本

Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Chinese.

Licensed Technologies and Luminex Product Documentation

文章) - 英语
Gastroenteritis and 'Doing More With Less'
文章) - 英语
Gastroenteritis: a Serious Medical and Economic Burden - a New Approach
手册 - 英语
GI Pathogen Testing, New Guidelines
手册 - 英语
GI Pathogen Testing, New Guidelines
手册 - 英语
GI Pathogen Testing, New Guidelines
海报 - 英语
Implementation of a Multiplex Molecular Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel: The Memorial Healthcare System Experience
文章) - 英语
Infectious Gastroenteritis: Evaluation of Two Multiplex-PCR Assays
案例分析 - 英语
Luminex VERIGENE® EP: A Pediatric Experience
产品信息 - 英语
Molecular GI Testing: An Approach Based on Clinical Guidelines
白皮书 - 英语
Molecular Tests Provide a Better Alternative to Stool Culture for GI Cases
宣传册/销售单 - 英语
NxTAG® Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel (CE-IVD)
宣传册/销售单 - 英语
NxTAG® Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel (RUO) Sales Sheet
宣传册/销售单 - 日语
NxTAG® GPP RUO 胃腸病原体検出キット
海报 - 英语
Potential Clinical Application of the xTAG GPP Multiplex Assay in Diagnosis of Gastroenteritis: A Multicentric Italian Study
海报 - 英语
Prospective Application of the Luminex xTAG GPP Multiplex PCR in Diagnosing Infectious Gastroenteritis
海报 - 英语
Rapid and Cost-Effective Molecular Salmonella Serotyping Assay Utilizing Luminex Multiplexing Technology