JP/ZH: Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Japanese/Chinese.
目前仅LUMINEX LTG部分的内容采用中文表达,所有其它内容依旧提供英文版本
Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Chinese.
04/12/18 - 8:00
DiaSorin's stocks listed in the FTSE MIB (464.63 KB)
07/11/18 - 13:00
DiaSorin Group reports growth in revenues and net profit in the first nine months of 2018 (961.72 KB)
07/08/18 - 8:45
Communication on total amount of voting rights (305.24 KB)
02/08/18 - 12:45
The Board of Directors approves the results for the first half of 2018 (883.1 KB)
03/07/18 - 18:30
Conclusion treasury shares buy-back plan (397.33 KB)
03/07/18 - 18:30
Annex 3F (treasury shares buy back July 2018) (6.59 KB)
03/07/18 - 18:30
Report treasury shares buy-back (287.99 KB)
03/07/18 - 18:30
Annex 3F (treasury shares buy back June 2018) (8.69 KB)
29/06/18 - 18:15
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (290.62 KB)
22/06/18 - 20:30
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (290.6 KB)
15/06/18 - 21:00
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (290.62 KB)
08/06/18 - 23:15
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (290.24 KB)
04/06/18 - 13:15
Annex 3F (treasury shares buy back May 2018) (8.54 KB)
01/06/18 - 20:15
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (290.38 KB)
25/05/18 - 22:30
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (289.97 KB)
19/05/18 - 1:45
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (289.76 KB)
11/05/18 - 20:15
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (290.77 KB)
08/05/18 - 14:30
The DiaSorin Group reports growth in revenues and profitability in the first quarter 2018 (832.84 KB)
03/05/18 - 20:15
Start up treasury shares buy-back plan (354.27 KB)
24/04/18 - 14:00
Annex 3F (treasury shares buy back) (7.77 KB)
23/04/18 - 18:30
Annual General Meeting 2018 (589.65 KB)
19/04/18 - 21:15
Conclusion treasury shares buy-back plan (397.59 KB)
19/04/18 - 21:00
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (289.29 KB)
13/04/18 - 20:30
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (290.07 KB)
06/04/18 - 19:45
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (288.33 KB)
04/04/18 - 20:00
Start up treasury shares buy-back plan (346.04 KB)
07/03/18 - 15:30
DiaSorin: FY 2017 Results (1.14 MB)
30/01/18 - 11:45