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目前仅LUMINEX LTG部分的内容采用中文表达,所有其它内容依旧提供英文版本

Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Chinese.

Licensed Technologies and Luminex Product Documentation

宣传册/销售单 - 日语
MagPlex Monitoring Microspheres
宣传册/销售单 - 日语
MagPlex Monitoring Microspheres
宣传册/销售单 - 英语
MagPlex® Monitoring Microspheres FAQ
宣传册/销售单 - 英语
MagPlex® Monitoring Microspheres Sales Sheet
宣传册/销售单 - 英语
MagPlex®-Avidin Microspheres
产品信息 - 英语
Manual Washing Procedure for MagPlex® Microspheres
快速指南 - 英语
Manual, xMAP Antibody Coupling Kit Quick Guide, English
宣传册/销售单 - 英语
MicroPlex Custom Volume Ordering Guidelines
MSDS / SDS - 英语
MSDS, MicroPlex Carboxylated and SeroMAP Microspheres
MSDS / SDS - 英语
MSDS, MicroPlex Carboxylated and SeroMAP Microspheres
手册 - 英语
Package Insert, xMAP Antibody Coupling Kit User, English
产品信息 - 英语
Product Information Sheet, Luminex SeroMAP Microspheres
产品信息 - 捷克语
Product Information Sheet, MAGPIX Drive Fluid PLUS (4 Pack) (IVD), Czech
产品信息 - 荷兰语
Product Information Sheet, MAGPIX Drive Fluid PLUS (4 Pack) (IVD), Dutch
产品信息 - 英语
Product Information Sheet, MAGPIX Drive Fluid PLUS (4 Pack) (IVD), English
产品信息 - 爱沙尼亚语
Product Information Sheet, MAGPIX Drive Fluid PLUS (4 Pack) (IVD), Estonian