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目前仅LUMINEX LTG部分的内容采用中文表达,所有其它内容依旧提供英文版本

Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Chinese.

Licensed Technologies and Luminex Product Documentation




白皮书 - 英语
Clinical Performance of the Luminex VERIGENE® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test as Compared to the BioFire® FilmArray® Respiratory Panel
案例分析 - 英语
Expert Commentary: A Clinician’s Perspective on Flexible Testing
白皮书 - 英语
Flexible Respiratory Pathogen Testing: Why Clinical Laboratories No Longer Have to Settle
海报 - 英语
Performance and Cost-Effectiveness of VERIGENE RP Flex
海报 - 英语
Performance Evaluation of a Multiplex Respiratory Pathogen Panel with Bronchoalveolar Lavage Specimens
白皮书 - 英语
Respiratory Infection Testing Requires Flexible, Cost-Effective Diagnostics
品质证书 - 英语
VERIGENE Amplification Tray 20-011-024, Lot Number 102623024D
品质证书 - 英语
VERIGENE Amplification Tray 20-011-024; Lot Number 010325024C
品质证书 - 英语
VERIGENE Amplification Tray 20-011-024; Lot Number 010825024C
品质证书 - 英语
VERIGENE Amplification Tray 20-011-024; Lot Number 011024024C
品质证书 - 英语
VERIGENE Amplification Tray 20-011-024; Lot Number 011025024C
品质证书 - 英语
VERIGENE Amplification Tray 20-011-024; Lot Number 011724024C
品质证书 - 英语
VERIGENE Amplification Tray 20-011-024; Lot Number 012425024C
品质证书 - 英语
VERIGENE Amplification Tray 20-011-024; Lot Number 020625024C
品质证书 - 英语
VERIGENE Amplification Tray 20-011-024; Lot Number 021125024C
品质证书 - 英语
VERIGENE Amplification Tray 20-011-024; Lot Number 021825024C