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目前仅LUMINEX LTG部分的内容采用中文表达,所有其它内容依旧提供英文版本

Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Chinese.

Licensed Technologies and Luminex Product Documentation

目标值 - 英语
Calibration Microspheres Certificate of Quality, MCAL1 Lot Number B93253
品质证书 - 英语
Calibration Microspheres Certificate of Quality, MCAL1 Lot Number B97516
品质证书 - 英语
Calibration Microspheres Certificate of Quality, MCAL1 Lot Number B98832
产品信息 - 英语
Change Log, INTELLIFLEX, English
手册 - 英语
Checklist, MAGPIX Installation and Startup, English
品质证书 - 英语
Control Microspheres Certificate of Quality, L100-CON1 Lot Number B98225
品质证书 - 英语
Control Microspheres Certificate of Quality, L100-CON2 Lot Number B99504
品质证书 - 英语
Control Microspheres Certificate of Quality, MCON1 Lot Number B93564
品质证书 - 英语
Control Microspheres Certificate of Quality, MCON1 Lot Number B95665
品质证书 - 英语
Control Microspheres Certificate of Quality, MCON1 Lot Number B96469
品质证书 - 英语
Control Microspheres Certificate of Quality, MCON1 Lot Number B98227
符合性声明 - 英语
Declaration of Conformity, FlexMAP 3D, IVD (4.3)
符合性声明 - 英语
Declaration of Conformity, Luminex 200 System, IVD CE Marked (4.3)
技术数据表 - 英语
Dual Reporter Functionality of the xMAP INTELLIFLEX® DR-SE System
宣传册/销售单 - 英语
FLEXMAP 3D Brochure (IVD)
宣传册/销售单 - 英语